The first meeting of the Cabernet Neighborhood Watch Committee was held on November 8, 2022 at 6:00 p.m. in the Raleys meeting room. Altogether, there were 15 people in attendance from our community in Cabernet Highlands.

Officer Andelin from Reno Police Department was on hand to offer assistance and advice on how best to proceed with forming and maintaining a neighborhood watch committee. He spoke with the attendees, querying their concerns. Many of the issues centered around car burglary and speeders.

Also present was Reno City Councilperson Bonnie Weber. Ms. Weber Hosted a meeting at Alice Smith School several weeks ago to promote Neighborhood Watch groups throughout Ward 4. She is committed to community outreach programs and has been instrumental in several improvements in the North Valleys.

Overall, the crime rate in our neighborhood has been typically very low. However, as the North Valleys continue to grow, the goal of the Neighborhood Watch group is to ensure the security of all our neighbors. Neighborhood Watch programs through, “Neighbors helping Neighbors” ensures the peaceful enjoyment of our homes and families.

The outcome of the first meeting was to establish a series of ongoing meetings to assist with teaching our neighbors better ways to ensure safety for their families and property; to encourage greater participation from more people; to provide communication resources through web page, email, and phone trees that inform people in our community; and to request from local agencies solutions to reduce traffic problems and crime going far into the future.

Officer Andelin spoke on the importance of reporting issues to our community leaders through local agencies.

For Emergencies call 911

For Non Emergencies call 775 334-2121

All others call Reno Direct 775 334-4636

Other sources of neighborhood information were discussed. Some suggestions were to attend the Neighborhood Advisory Board meetings held on the third Thursday of each month. Information is available via Reno City Neighborhood Advisory Board page at:

The next meeting of the Cabernet Neighborhood Watch group is tentatively scheduled for December 5, 2022 at 6:00 p.m. in the Raleys community room.

For information or to get involved, please contact Pat Shea or sign up on the website providing contact information.

Pat Shea 775 721 6742

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April 19 Meeting Minutes

Cabernet Highlands Neighborhood Watch Group

Meeting April 19, 2023

Raleys meeting room at 6:00 pm


Present:  Pat Shea, Billie Shea, Lucy Calles, Carlos Calles, Dan Curtis, JoEllen Curtis, Ernest Brooks, Bonnie Weber, Ray Lake, …


Pat called the meeting to order with a discussion on issues that many in our community are concerned about.  One of the big concerns being the number of vehicles with no regard to traffic rules. Some of the drivers who are speeding and driving carelessly are members of this community, but many are taking shortcuts through the neighborhood. It was pointed out the only way to get any action is to complain.

The Reno Police Department is responsible for this neighborhood and the adjacent neighborhoods. But this community is far away from the core of the city where most of the problems occur so little attention is paid to our community. Pat agreed he would reach out and request the mobile radar cart again. He also suggested that if you see these speeders, take down as many details as possible and report it through Reno Direct 775 334-4636or RenoDirect@Reno.Gov .   By reporting we should get more action from the police.

It was also decided that the group could inquire about having traffic calming devices put in place to slow cars down. This project will be reported on further at a later date.

Bonnie suggested that we start collecting information from our residents on the infractions they see. That may give us more details to share with law enforcement. Pat and Ray will be designing something on the website

The remainder of the meeting was an open forum discussion on ideas and goals for the future of the neighborhood watch group. Many suggestions will be followed in future meetings to see what interests the residents.

                They were: 

                                NW Newsletter (printed or online)

                                Discussions on Fire safety (asking for guest speakers)

Hold an event later in the year in conjunction with National Neighborhood Watch Nite Out. An event highlighting the neighborhood watch group and introducing our neighbors to each other to further safety and a sense of community.

Holding a “Block Party” to spread the word.

Asking one of the CERT trainers to guest speak at a future meeting.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:35

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