Speeding, Distracted Driving and Radar Speed Signs:

(This is an excerpt from an article found on Radar Signs Website. It expresses the reason Feedback signs work . If you wish to read the entire article, follow the link at the bottom of the page.)

Distracted driving is one of the top reasons why drivers speed. Yet, we often overlook the relationship between driver speed and driver distraction as an opportunity to solve the distracted driving epidemic. This is probably because the majority of distractions come from within the vehicle. Mobile phones, radios, passengers, a hot cup of coffee and more can divert a driver’s attention.

It’s during these periods of distracted driving that brain activation shifts dramatically, impairing a driver’s cognitive abilities making them unable to multitask safely. Everyone knows that driver behaviors must change. The question is, “How do we change them?” We can regulate driver behavior with legislation, like hands-free laws. But that approach still relies on driver compliance. To be more effective, regulations should be paired with external forces that automatically remind drivers to focus on the job of driving. Radar speed signs, one of the most reliable traffic calming solutions, are already scientifically proven to do this: they work because they prompt drivers to change how they operate their car.

Radar Speed Signs Trigger Changes in Distracted Driver Behaviors by triggering feedback loops.

Wired Magazine describes feedback loops as a centuries-old strategy that is “profoundly effective” in affecting behavioral changes. The concept is simple:

Provide people with information about their actions in real time (or something close to it), then give them an opportunity to change those actions, pushing them toward better behaviors. Action, information, reaction.”

Distracted drivers typically fail to maintain speed, driving faster or slower than the posted speed or other drivers. Whether these drivers are going too slow or too fast, they need a trigger, a neurobehavioral activator, to convert from a distracted state to engaged state. Radar speed signs provide that trigger.

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